The genealogy now is headed by the sons of Israel and their descendants. Its like, time to look at the real important stuff, I suppose if you are heirs of the promises you would start to pay attention. The line of Judah takes precedence being the line of David. From verse 12 we start to hear famous names that are thick with story, narratives of grace and promise. Boaz who God provided for Ruth, and Naomi’s family name is redeemed. Eventually the Christ would come through this line, the world’s redeemer.

Also mentioned are Abishai, Joab, Asahel, and Amasa. Famous warriors under their half uncle David.

What is eerie is the place given to the darker parts of the genealogy. Judah’s first son Er was put to death by God, so was Judah’s second son Onan, but Chronicles leaves this out. Then Judah sleeps with the son’s ex Tamar thinking she’s a prostitute. What an absolute evil generation that the Lion of Judah descends from. And don’t forget Achar (Achan in Joshua 7) who was dealt with viciously and completely when he stole some ‘devoted things’.

We all have evil in our heritage, we should not be overwhelmed, there is redemption at every turn. We should be more concerned about leaving a good heritage. I wonder what that is? How do we achieve it? Why leave it? It is because we love those around us, we value them as God values them.

Are speeches at your funeral to be full of platitudes? We leave little behind except remnants of character that we have etched into the souls of others and the memories of true love that echo only for one paper thin generation.

Moving on in grace, in Christ today, our desire is to not take on evil practices from the past or from our culture. We make a conscious effort to live a Godly life, loving others, as Jesus would, in his strength. The redeemer is the author of our stories.

Read 1 Chronicles 2 again. What evil from our past do you need to leave behind? Ask Jesus to help you live the restored life, free of the troubles of the past.

‘Forget the former things;
    do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
    and streams in the wasteland.’
Isaiah 43:18-19