Leaders Who Follow Jesus is a place for content creators to interact, create and share. Most leaders I interact with leaders who are people trying to live out their faith authentically. Often, they are youth discovering what it means to know Jesus. Often, they are older people assessing their life, wondering what ‘seeking first the kingdom’ now means. The desire is to create a place for grace, authenticity, stories of real faith and counsel for real life. A place for leaders to give and get counsel.
We can learn much from those who have many years of experience of leading in ministry such as Pastors, Missionaries and Youth Leaders. But all who seriously adopt the identity of a Christian and follow Jesus have much to teach us. It is well worth listening carefully to those who are on the road less travelled. They have hard won wisdom, grace, and knowledge.
Whether you have been a follower for many years or have just started on the road, you have something valuable to contribute. Would like to join in, just fill in the contact form and I’ll contact you.

Who Did Jesus Lead?

Jesus could only effectively lead those close to him. He influenced those who followed. He set standards and created an atmosphere of ordered instruction. The broader community was influenced by the environment he created, his conduct, teachings, and the miracles that followed.
However, the person Jesus led the most was himself. He resisted temptation, he sat in the temple to receive teaching, he decided when to perform miracles, he engaged with crowds and withdrew from them, he called people to himself, he thought about others, he served, he confronted, he set boundaries for himself and he connected with God the Father in prayer.
In reflecting upon the leader that Jesus was, perhaps you can lead yourself and others. It has never been more difficult to lead yourself. Outside influences incessantly buffet us like a gale that lasts long into the night.
The theology you have been taught or absorbed…
The moral and social climate…
The stories you have read…
Your own desires…
The economic pressures and your economic values…
Your embrace of Scripture…
Who is leading you? What are you following?
Decide to follow Jesus, choose to lead yourself and learn to lead others.