Leaders, or perhaps followers! Ecclesiastes 3 says ‘There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens’. Now is the time to write, interview, photograph, notice, engage and encourage. The world is listening, what do you want to say?
Renee Burgess
Hi! I'm Renee Burgess, married to Anthony, and mum of 1 year old Melody. Currently my main job revolves around those two! I'm looking after my little one and home, but I also love attending community groups for mums & bubs, serving in my church or hosting friends and family. Before I became a mum, I was working in the field of social work. I enjoy helping others in practical ways! I like being creative through music and words but also like setting up my home in a beautiful way. I follow Jesus as I love Him and I want to point others to Him. I think using creativity is a great way of doing that!
0 PostsRichard Jenner
Hi, I am the person behind the Leader Who Follows Jesus. The idea came as I often I interact with leaders who are trying to live out their faith authentically, and I also interact with youth discovering what it means to know Jesus. The desire is to create a place for grace, authenticity, stories of real faith and counsel for real life. I work primarily for WEC International, a mission agency that works in over 80 countries. It is very multicultural which is wonderful as we all get to appreciate and learn from each other’s culture. Presently my wife Denise and I are the Membership Development Coordinator’s for WEC in Australia. We live in Strathfield, Sydney. We have over the years had much experience in other areas within WEC. Including living in France and Cote d’Ivoire. Travelling to many countries mainly in Europe and Asia. We have many years of experience in church planting and preparing people to work in a cross cultural ministry. I have many eclectic interests. I am a mathematics teacher, cyclist, astronomer, poet, musician and the list goes on! Our door is always open, so message if you like to chat or visit.
11 Posts