The principles of leadership are often displayed in the Bible by those attempting live a godly life. They are also demonstrated by Christ and are found in the very nature of God.

These principles should aid in the transformation and growth of the entire community. The transformation of the community, namely the Church, its individuals and corporately is a complex social study. Four key principles are:

The leader who follows Jesus…

1. Is above reproach; a person worthy of respect.

2. Is inspirational.

3. Is interested in others.

4. Challenges those they lead.

We look at these principles in the light of the Christian scriptures in the following articles. First a general reflection.

The leader who follows Jesus is above reproach and worthy of respect. The leader maintains a high level integrity, morality and ethical standards and thus builds an arena of trust. This charisma builds into the followers and is reciprocated by the followers as their role model sets high standards.

The leader who follows Jesus is inspirational. A reason to live or fulfil the mission. The leaders inspires and connects the followers sense of identity and self to the mission and the collective identity of the group they work with. The shared undertakings take on meaning within the collective, a sense of what is right and needs to be done moves the team forward.

The leader who follows Jesus is interested in others. Every follower needs encouragement. They leader can provide an environment with the correct growth opportunities, mentoring and challenges that suit their followers giftings, desires and personalities.

The leader who follows Jesus challenges the follower. They break the mind of people away from the accepted narrative. They challenges the follower of Jesus to see the world in the economy of a living and just God and to pray the prayer ‘your Kingdom come’.

These principles form the heart of leadership. It can be seen in Christ as he leads his disciples. When we think of Jesus and his disciples we think of a group of men who are being challenged, changed and repurposed. The journey is the mission.

Jesus did not achieve his purpose by finishing a project, the project in the view of his contemporaries was a failure as the kingdom was not established by force and the Romans evicted from Judea. The kingdom was established in people, a transformed people ready to transform others in the power of the Spirit.